You may be confused as to why things have slowed down recently regarding Tuk Tuk for Children and our quiet social media accounts but don't be alarmed. Not only has it been school break in Cambodia for the past 2 months we have also been a bit busy ourselves. July marked the beginning for Mayu to come on board full time with TTC and to celebrate we thought we better tie the knot.
As anyone who has married into a different culture would know, the logistics behind transporting friends and families is extremely time consuming and as Mayu and myself are ... Read More
Put pa pa put put bang.... The last thing I heard before the tuk tuk came to a grinding halt a good 20 kms from Pursat and 5 kms from the nearest town. Of course it happened in the middle of the day (think 41 degrees with a real feel of fry an egg in 5 secs) at the bottom of a hill.
I have an elderly retired teacher to help push, sorry Rob but you're no longer a spring chicken, and no water to drink. Things are looking bleak.
Lucky for us 4 motorbikes come along with only 10 people between ... Read More
April 25, 2016Adrian Paschkow
With a new year comes new challenges and the first thing we are tackling is improving education in the preschools around Pursat.
January 3, 2016Adrian Paschkow