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70% of children in Cambodia do not attend early childhood education which is the prime time to build imagination and a thirst for knowledge. To combat this, over the past 5 weeks Tuk Tuk Theatre has visited 15 new villages, hosted 18 movie nights, 1 environmental education session, provided power ... Read More
July 28, 2015Adrian Paschkow
Cambodia – Angkor wat


Cambodia, the home of legendary temples, spicy amok, and bamboo just about everything. Its history is rich with the stories of Chinese settlers, Cham invaders, and great battles with the Siamese. You need only visit the temples surrounding Angkor Wat to be transported back to this time and feel the power ... Read More
July 22, 2015Lucy Kemp


Setting up is not really a hard task. This is how we arrived at one of our Schools, Kandiang, that is currently without power. Lucky we have our own power supply built into the tuk tuk. Got spare change burning a hole in ... Read More
July 20, 2015Adrian Paschkow