Brenda driving the tuk tuk

New tuk tuk drivers undergo grueling 20 minute training session

Voluntukers come and go in TTT’s line of work. With new volunteers coming in and old ones leaving we needed to train the new up and comers in everything tuk tuk related. Of course that involves how to drive a tuk tuk. You’re probably thinking that we whiz down to the local tuk tuk driving school where a skilled instructor starts off with 4 hours of theory followed by an intensive exam and a practical skills test. Well this sort of happens….

Today sees us introducing Brenda from Australia to the grand initiation of the uninitiated. Its raining, so she gets a bit of extra experience in her driving test down at the local sports oval. We start off with operational instructions for approximately 15 seconds and then it is pedal to the metal as she pulls her first mono and tears off towards the cattle who are minding their own business in the middle of the oval. Finding the brake (rear one at that) sees the RPM’s drop down from the red zone and into an almost stall. Lets call this the rapid accelerate and breaking test and she passes.

After 20 minutes of heart pounding race tuk driving, Brenda finally manages gear changes, left AND right turns and an impressive ability to mono a good 10 meters before bringing the front wheel down. Well done Brenda, it seems only having experience in an automatic car doesn’t hold you back… Perhaps a few more lessons before we unleash you onto our roads 😀

Well done to Hannah our newest qualified driver and Little Vicheka, one of our students and part time volunteer chef, who just had to have a go.

Adrian Paschkow

Love everything tuk tuk related and my life in Cambodia. Not an author but don't mind spinning a yarn for the benefit of this project.
Adrian Paschkow
/ On the road / Tags: ,

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About the Author

Love everything tuk tuk related and my life in Cambodia. Not an author but don’t mind spinning a yarn for the benefit of this project.


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